Even the rain can't stop the P-Rade from happening, and undergraduates as well as alumni have turned out in force to watch as the graduating classes from 1925 through 2008 march through FitzRandolph Gate, down Elm Street to the grandstands on Poe Field. First through were President Tilghman and her entourage, the Princeton University Marching Band and the 25th Reunion Class of 1983.

The band leads the way, from the beginning to the very end, with the banner for the Class of 1983 close behind.

The Class of 1983 sports the orange-and-black striped blazers in honor of its parent Class of 1958 and grandparent Class of 1933. As they passed the reviewing booth on Poe Field, members of the class saluted President Tilghman and gave her a traditional locomotive cheer.

Leading the Old Guard, Princeton's oldest living graduate from the Class of 1925.

Members of the Old Guard greet President Tilghman.

Members of the Class of 1958, sporting their orange and black blazers.

The 45th Reunion Class of 1963 turned out in full Elvis gear, including capes, sunglasses, sideburns, guitars and golf carts blaring some of the King's biggest hits.

Geoff Peterson '69 rocks out as he reaches Poe Field.

With the 35th Reunion class of 1973, the first female Princetonians reached Poe Field.
More photos can be viewed at dailyprincetonian.printroom.comPhotos by Zach Ruchman, Dan Hayes-Patterson and Diego Vargas.
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