'Twas a hot and crazy summer, but Sex and the Street is back and this time, I'm doing things a bit differently. While I loved sharing my own stories and experiences with you, what really interests me is what's going on out there in dorm rooms and secluded taproom corners campuswide. It's hard to find a place where one can ask questions about sex, hooking up, and relationships and get answers beyond what your mom or sex ed teacher would provide. I think that the best and most useful kind of sex and relationship advice is uncensored, informal, and honest: the kind your sex-obsessed best friend would give you. Think of me as that friend. Need help picking a vibrator that's right for you? Stuck in a missionary rut with your partner? Concerned about the size of your penis? Ask me! Send your questions to SexandtheStreet@gmail.com or leave a comment here. Everything will be kept strictly confidential, so feel free to ask me the things that you would never even dream of asking your friends. I look forward to reading your questions!
- Miss SATS
can we se some photos please?
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