The faculty couple is the recipient of this year's Kyoto Prize for Basic Science. The Inamori Foundation, which awards the prize, praised the power couple for their research in the Galapagos Islands that's produced some of the most important contributions toward evolutionary biology since Darwin.
The Grants are world famous for their study of "Darwin's finches" at the Galapagos. Their work became widely known after it was highlighted in Jonathan Weiner's 1994 work "The Beak of the Finch," which won a Pulitzer Prize.
The prize, founded in 1985 and honoring lifelong achievements in basic science, advanced technology, and arts and philosophy, includes a $500,000 award for each category.
Both Grants came to Princeton in 1985. Peter is an emeritus professor and former chair of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Rosemary was a senior research scholar at the University before she retired last year.
The Grants will pick up their prize and the $500,000 check at a ceremony in Kyoto this November.
Curious why Dr. Peter Grant was a professor while Dr. Rosemary Grant was a senior research scholar. Gender bias at Princeton?
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