Do you think you know all about Princeton's history? Here's a few things you may not know!
1. It was originally called The College of New Jersey and was situated in Newark, NJ. The trustees wanted more space and more buildings, so they decided to move the college to what was then called "Princetown"
2. Lotteries were used to raise money for the college.
3. Presi
(Probably more well known, there was also a Battle of Princeton during the Revolution)
4. Sports were not always part of the history of Princeton. Just look at this message from the faculty:
5. In 1807 there was a "Great Rebellion" which consisted of a barricading of all the doors, among other things. A guard of citizens had to be brought in to protect college property.
Images from Princeton Sketches: The Story of Nassau Hall/Public Domain
The greatest part of the Prince remains relegated to its blog. Vastly superior and more amusing than the "humor" column written for today's paper by one CDM.
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