Shocked? Saddened? Or maybe you made it to the festivities. Pi Day, held on March 14 (3.14, in case you're curious), is a celebration of everyone's favorite ratio,
While the math department has previously celebrated the fest with a pie eating contest and a digits of pi recitation contest to see who can recall the most, this year, March 14 fell during Spring Recess, and was not celebrated on campus.

This year, however, marked the town's first Annual Princeton Pi Day, complete with pie judging and pi recitation. Events at 1:59 (as
π = 3.14159...) were run by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory researchers. Finally, local businesses offered discounts in honor of this day, which also happens to be Einstein's birthday.
For those who are simply devastated by their being unable to attend, fear not! March 14 will fall before Spring Recess during spring semester in 2012.
They got it wrong: pi r not sq; pi r round.
Mmmm. I want cherry! Or blueberry!
Princeton Tour Company had re-enactors doing "tours" of Einstein's life. It was hysterical!
Next year, 2011, will be a geek freak weekend with a Sock Hop too!
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