But Bradley and his men, who trained on campus before their trip to South Africa, haven’t been the only success stories. According an Economist blog, disgraced former New York governor Eliot Spitzer ’81 is resurrecting his image and career.
Spitzer resigned from office in 2008 amid news that he was a client of a prostitution ring. While the scandal seemed to have tainted a promising political career, the Economist post outlines a number of Spitzer’s recent moves – including his column for Slate magazine and an upcoming primetime show on CNN – that suggest he isn’t done quite yet.
And a New York Times article published this week highlights Spitzer as one of many celebrities to become documentary subjects of late. An untitled documentary about Spitzer’s political fall was screened at the Tribeca Film Festival this year.
by Christina Henricks
Thanks for a greatt read
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