Amazing Race 17 premieres on Sunday, Sept. 26 and, here at the 'Prince,' we're excited because we now have an excuse to watch reality TV when we should be putting out Monday papers. We'll be rooting for Princeton's own Green Team, Connor Diemand-Yauman '10 and Jonathan Schwartz '10, and you can check here for weekly Race updates in case you miss an episode or want to comment on a week's happenings.
More deets and their CBS Team trailer after the jump...
Don't expect the other teams to know that we have Tigers in the Race, though. In its official CBS trailer, the pair says it wants to keep its Princeton affiliation secret because the two "don't want targets on our backs from the get go." Instead, they're going to say they're from a college named T-O-N-E-P-R-I-C (clever, but maybe not the best way to go avoiding those targets).
Other highlights from the clip, which we'll nickname "100 Reasons Why Jonathan and Connor are Best, BEST, (Did We Mention BEST?) Friends":
-- Nassoons, Nassoons, Nassoons
-- CDY as student body prez turned reality show contestant
-- And, our favorite is at 02:05. Hope CDY doesn't have to do any cross dressing on the Race!
In the comments on their Entertainment Weekly profile, it looks like they've already been pegged as the Nerd Team. But, we love you anyway. Good luck!!
(Image Credit: ET.com)
Tone Prick? Uh, do you think they may want to reconsider? The Tigertone (a.k.a. Tones) might take offense.
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