Thank you to the Office of Sustainability, once again, for giving me something to laugh about. This time it is for taping posters made of A3 size high quality paper outside of every single person's door in Whitman and Scully who did not have the foresight to respond to an e-mail withdrawing from this otherwise automatic participation in the "Pull the Plug" campaign. Perhaps the green team just got confused and momentarily forgot that its goal is to sustain the environment rather than destroy it while invading dormitories and terrorizing students. I am not going overboard with the terror factor either. The posters threaten that any student who does not pull the plug on their refrigerators and televisions over break will have his or her name plastered on a list of shame in the entry of their dormitory. "All those who do not pull the plug in this hall will have their name listed in the entry way after recess!" Oh goody. I hope they highlight my name in pink because I have every intention of returning from break to a fridge full of cold sodas. Although I will take the time to recycle the poster.
-The Blogstress
+1. Shows how far Gaia-worshippers are able to get their way in the modern university.
Wow that's seriously messed up.
Seriously- who gave them permission to do this? What if I have some stupid survey I want to do, does that give me the right to enter people's rooms unless they specifically opt out of it?
Truth, truth, truth. I will put gold star stickers next to my name when I see it on that list after I come back from break. Being threatened with public humiliation? Come, now.
This is part of a psych study. It was not generated by the Office of Sustainability. Do your research.
This is part of a thesis research project- please don't criticize those who had no involvement in it without knowing the facts.
If the sustainability folks were respectful of the students, they'd quash this and publish a renunciation. (Imagine the administration reaction if the same was done using the banner of, say, PSafe.)
From what I hear, this is part of a senior's research for her psych thesis - and has nothing to do with the office of sustainability and the people who organized this event...
We can all agree that, were this poster truly from the Princeton Office or Sustainability, it would be shockingly wrong. From what I see, this poster has a clear claim to the "Princeton Sustainability Office." I found no evidence that this is just senior thesis project gone awry. Given the grave possibility that this poster is what it claims to be, the burden of proof is on those who claim that it is part of a thesis project.
Yay Blogstress! Maybe in your next career step you can invent a recyclable hamster!
This is testing if more people pull the plug if they will will be exposed if they do, or if they don't. The posters are randomly dispersed with different messages, with "names will be shown of those who do", and "names will be shown of those who don't" and neither.
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