Stephen Colbert h'08, President Tilghman and Class of 2008 president Tom Haine enter Cannon Green.

The senior class takes photos as Stephen Colbert approaches the dais.

Tilghman and Colbert share a joke before the ceremonies begin.

One member of the Class of 2008 brought a mounted bear's head to Class Day and stood up to show it to the crowd and Colbert. Colbert has a well-publicized and ongoing feud with bears.

Tilghman presents the key to the school to the Class of '08.

At the end of Haine's Class Day address, he presented Colbert with the Class of 2008 Understandable Vanity Award, featuring a mirror.

Katie Lewis-Lamonica '08, being presented with the Allen Macy Dulles '51 Award.

Anna Almore '08 and Sian OFaolain '08, being presented with the Frederick Douglass Award.

Grant Gittlin '08, being presented with the W. Sanderson Detwiler 1903 Prize.

Rob Biederman '08 being presented with the Class of 1901 Medal.

Mark Bur '08 delivering his address to the graduating class. Bur reflected on the Senior Checkout Fair.

Joshua Loehrer '08 and Jessica Gheiler '08, being presented with the Priscilla Glickman '92 Memorial Prize.

Chelsea Carter '08, delivering her address to the graduating class. Carter reminisced on the advice she received as a freshman that she could study, party or sleep and could only choose two.

Eight student-athletes were honored, including Meagan Cowher '08, Diana Matheson '08, Landis Stankievech '08, Mike Moore '08, David Nightingale '08, Ted Gudmundsen '08, Mike Honigberg '08 and Katie Lewis-Lamonica '08.

Six people were named honorary members of the Class of 2008, including Stephen Colbert, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Students Rachel Baldwin, Shelby Davis '58, Christopher Gorzelnik, Dining Services Director Stuart Orefice and history department Undergraduate Administrator Etta Recke.

Stephen Colbert delivered the keynote address in which he at once delivered inspirational wisdom and admonished the Class of 2008 not to change anything about the world. He also warned Princetonians that the "totalitarian salute" during the singing of Old Nassau would not be acceptable in the real world. Additionally, Colbert mocked the beer jackets the seniors sported during the festivities.

Colbert was later given an honorary diploma and beer jacket to make him a member of the graduating class. He quickly retracted his remarks about the jackets and proceeded to compliment them.
Photos by Zach Ruchman
More photos can be viewed at dailyprincetonian.printroom.com
Thanks for making large pictures available here. That Printroom site is terrible.
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