This is one week of lectures you will not want to miss - where else can you see John Nash and Ban Ki Moon in the same week? You know you're at Princeton when....AMAZING people come to give talks to undergraduates.
"Obama's War: Why We Are Stuck in Iraq" - Monday, Apr 13, 8:00 PM in McCosh Hall 10
Thomas Ricks, Pentagon reporter for the Washington Post, argues that the Iraq war is long from over, and that some of its most memorable events may in fact come during the new Obama presidency.
"Ideal Money and Asymptotically Ideal Money" - Tuesday, April 14th, 4:30 PM in Room 101, Sherrerd Hall - John F. Nash (known as the famous Princetonian from "A Beautiful Mind") is giving a talk on money as an artifact of civilization and the comparative natures of monetary systems. Come out if you like John Nash or if you like money. Hey, I'm there!
"Keynote Address: Prosperity or Peril? The Next Phase of Globalization'" - Friday, April 17th, 9:30 AM in McCarter Theater Center- U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon is coming to Princeton's campus to speak on whether the increasingly interconnected forces of globalization will result in a more stable and prosperous society. Arrive early to make sure you get the chance to witness this memorable talk and to be in the same room as some of the most influential people on the planet.
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