This weekend’s UFO film is a little bit different from the norm: It’s not a crummy action movie, it’s not a fluffy chick flick, and by no means is it a vaguely recent release. Nope. This weekend’s film, which is supposedly meant to alleviate seniors in their time of greatest need, is Martin Scorsese’s controversial portrayal of Christ’s final days and hours, “The Last Temptation of Christ.” In perhaps the most unlikely piece of casting since Woody Allen was cast as Jimmy Bond in 1967’s “Casino Royale,” Willem Dafoe plays Christ as he faces a number of sinful temptations. The controversial part? He gives into them, fantasizing about sex, and dealing with such distinctly human emotions as lust, depression and doubt. Scandal aside, the film has actually become regarded as something of a cult classic, with its powerful direction and evocative score (written by Peter Gabriel). So, a little bit different from last week’s “Nick and Norah,” but should make for a highly memorable study break.
and it's a required movie for hum 207ers...
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