This week’s episode consisted of the remaining contestants tackling three duties: installing color television in an African family’s home, placing a large, steel fish into a local car facility, AND locating the host in Kaneshie Market, one of the largest markets in all of West Africa. Brooke and Clair won an all-expense paid trip to Hawaii. Our beloved CDY and his plus one struggled throughout these assignments from their lowly fifth positions and their failures to install color television. But at least they were courteous enough to apologize without expending too much time on making amends. The twosome ultimately came in at sixth place, saved from elimination. So we can breathe! At least for one more week...
What African family doesn't already have a TV in their home? Seriously.
There is a difference between the African-American stereotype and people in Africa ... the latter often starve in tin huts with no food. Stop racial profiling, you silly American.
There's furthermore a significant difference in wealth and circumstance amongst "people in Africa." The photo does not seem to be showing a "tin hut with no food" and, I presume you presume, no electricity/cable/satellite for the TV. I'd say you were generalizing/racial profiling even more, as you decided to take a random jab at Americans too, 11:36 AM poster.
Why do you guys keep referring to Jonathan as CDY's friend, CDY's plus one, etc? He's a '10 also, he's just as much of a real person as CDY... give Jonathan his credit!
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