Alas, my independent work is calling my name, and due by the end of the week, so no Sex and the Street this week. It will be returning next Wednesday. In the meantime, I'm curious as to what kinds of topics YOU would like to see me explore here, so feel free to leave a comment with your suggestions/questions. Don't be shy; in my eyes, there's pretty much nothing that's too taboo to talk about.
xo, Ms. SatS
There is a rumor raging across campus that this column is actually written by a group, mostly male.
RE: Group Sex Blog rumor posted by Anonymous
Strongly suspect you are correct. You can just envision those pundits at the Prince sitting around, laughing, eating pizza, and playing Ms. Horney Hearts each week. Probably the highlight of their sexless lives.
maybe talk about issues girls/women deal with. what are guys doing right? what are guys doing wrong?
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