I tried to explain my dilemma to the card checker, who told me I'd have to fill out a card voucher and, as far as I could understand the whole thing would cost me about $2.50. Being the irrational human being that I am, I decided I didn't want to pay $2.50 f0r a meal I had already bought. But I also didn't want to go back to my dorm. Logical thing to do? I went to Chancellor Green to buy a panini. Too late did I learn that unlike the paninis from Cafe Viv, these didn't come with chips. :'(
The day continued as usual until I got back to my dorm and realized I couldn't prox myself in. Before this would have been a tragedy. But now, we have Whitman, and it is more or less all connected. Instead of asking someone to prox me in, I simply walked into the Whitman library, thinking the back exit would take me somewhere where I could get to my room. Instead it took me to a dark and scary place, which as far as I could make out was the underground extension of the dining hall. Simple enough, I got back out, entered the dining hall, and walked through all of Whitman to my room, where I of course remembered that I had simply left my prox in my book as a book marker. You'll never guess who felt silly...
a) is this seriously the first time you've misplaced your prox?
b) so in order to uphold your sense of right and wrong, you refused to pay the $2.50 fee and bought a $6 sandwich instead?
c) you're lucky you actually had cash with you.
thus, once again proving that Mathey > Rocky...
the few times i've forgotten my prox at the mathey dining hall, they have a folder there with the student ID numbers, and i just point to my name and ID and give them the last two digits of my social security number, badabing-badaboom
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