The Class of 1976 gave us Sonia Sotomayor, and with that the chance to further inscribe the university’s name in supreme court history. But, eight years before we all knew her as a Princeton celebrity, the class of ’76 had donated the funds to built the Class of 1976 Triangle. Located behind Prospect Gardens and the Mendel Music Library, and overlooking Wilson College, it is at a crossroad of paths that many students never take. The most notorious attribute of this site is an irregularly shaped granite bench with the statue of a bronze tricorn hat. It is a eulogy to the members of the class who have passed away, and the bench itself is dedicated to the memory of Louis Roth ‘ 76. A ceremony is held there in memory of the deceased members of the class every year during alumni week.
On a happier note, the bench also includes a plaque with a nice little message from the heart alumns:
“May you pause at this benchmark of our passages and passions: Sense our spark, renew your own good energies as you, like us, depart” -- Dawn McGuire 76
So, next time you need a relaxing place, laden with tradition and pride, on which to self-reflect….examine rock composition for your geosciences class….or just sit…consider walking past Woolworth and paying a visit to the Class of 1976 Triangle.
why would many students never take this path? if youre in rocky-mathey and have to go to like mccosh infirmary, guyot, schulz, scully, fine, mcdonnell, jadwin, etc etc you basically have to take this path
yea, seriously, I pass through here like every day
Upcampus athletes basically HAVE to walk by this intersection.
Okay so you're a freshman in Butler... I guess we can give you a free pass on this one. Seriously though, tsk tsk.
yep. i walk by this twice a day every day. but it's're new and don't live near it..i'm with the other commenter, we'll let you slide.
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