In case you can't read it, the full text (grammatical errors intact) after the jump.
Please follow these simple steps to keep our bathrooms clean!!!
• The “Diva”: Don’t leave your toiletries behind; Building Services staff cannot clean if surfaces are cluttered.
• The “Lebron James”: Please make sure that anything you throw away makes it into the wastebasket or the sanitary napkin disposal receptacle.
• The “Rapunzel”: If you have long hair (i.e. anything longer than a buzz cut), please check the shower drain after you’re done and throw your hair in the wastebasket.
• The “Swish”: After your brush your teeth or shave, please run water around the inside of the sink to wash away the residue.
• The “Dudes, Raise the Lid”: Self-explanatory.
• The “Flush”: Self-explanatory.
• The “Face Down in Bowl City”: If you make a mess in the bathroom, please clean it up. If your friend makes a mess and he or she is not able to clean it up, please clean it up from him or her. No one likes to come in and find a mess that has been sitting around for hours. It’s good karma.
Building Services works hard to keep the bathrooms clean, but we all need to do our part! Thanks!!!
Happy Midterms, Princeton!
--- Tasnim Shamma
--- Tasnim Shamma
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