In the last few days, rumors spread that Diemand-Yauman participated in a private graduation ceremony on May 20 before jetting off to take a job in South Korea (which got us asking why he couldn’t postpone starting work for a few days). Well, now we know why!
Further digging in the online reality show world seems to show that Diemand-Yauman and Schwartz were the first of four teams spotted in a line purchasing tickets at London’s Heathrow Airport on the evening of May 28th (meaning that they likely made it through the first leg of the race). More unconfirmed reports (it’s the best we’re going to get) had them buying tickets for a Virgin flight to Accra, Ghana. They started the race on May 26 at the Eastern Point Yacht Club in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
An auto-reply to an e-mail sent to Diemand-Yauman’s personal account said he would have “intermittent internet access until June 20th.” Filming for the 16th season of “The Amazing Race” spanned roughly three weeks from Nov. 28 until Dec. 20, 2009. Episodes were aired starting slightly less than two months after filming, from Feb. 14 to May 9, 2010.
I was at the secret graduation ceremony! Connor and Jonathan are PERFECT representatives of Princeton University!
I KNOW they will WIN!
(I had no idea they were in Amazing Race .... I thought Connor was going to be a spy ... look up Moe Berg .... Connor and Jonathan are spy material!)
amazing race has been my favorite tv show since 7th grade, i am so jealous! go CDY and jonathan!
In the first episode when the race begins look for the boys aboard the Karyn D- a Rockport based lobster boat. You can see them in this picture I took at the start
ivygate blog is saying that CDY won. Great job Connor and Jonathan! Sweet car btw
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