It’s that time of year again. Reunions. The annual three-day quest to reconnect with old friends, regain lost youth and rediscover the “best damn place of all.”
With your kids.
The Princeton University Art Museum is sponsoring an interactive scavenger hunt for alumni and their children this weekend. Open from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, the museum promises a peaceful and educational break from some of the loud and rowdy nighttime events.
The museum is as glamorous and silent as always, and the scavenger hunt doesn’t really liven it up. However, the museum does offer amusing booklets for families to fill out, supplying questions, information and activities for the children. The 11-page booklet helps to structure the basically self-guided tour of the museum through the Medieval, Byzantine and Islamic art galleries, highlighting some of the more impressive acquisitions of the museum and the themes that run through them.
I only ran into one family while there, though the museum was full of other Princeton visitors, and they seemed to be having a good time. The young Princetonian had filled out nearly half of his booklet and appeared eager to finish it. Very obliging, he helpfully told me where I could find exhibits and what I should look for. He seemed to be having fun.
The first man I saw when entering the museum, in fact, told me that the hunt was quite popular with families. The museum had almost run out of booklets.
But even without the booklets, the museum offers much. On my way to the Medieval Gallery, I found other exhibits I had never before seen or even heard about.
Go to the Art Museum this weekend. Take a booklet. Reconnect with Monet or even Warhol. Regain your lost art history knowledge. Rediscover “the best damn place of all.”
by Dora Huang
With your kids.
The Princeton University Art Museum is sponsoring an interactive scavenger hunt for alumni and their children this weekend. Open from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, the museum promises a peaceful and educational break from some of the loud and rowdy nighttime events.
The museum is as glamorous and silent as always, and the scavenger hunt doesn’t really liven it up. However, the museum does offer amusing booklets for families to fill out, supplying questions, information and activities for the children. The 11-page booklet helps to structure the basically self-guided tour of the museum through the Medieval, Byzantine and Islamic art galleries, highlighting some of the more impressive acquisitions of the museum and the themes that run through them.
I only ran into one family while there, though the museum was full of other Princeton visitors, and they seemed to be having a good time. The young Princetonian had filled out nearly half of his booklet and appeared eager to finish it. Very obliging, he helpfully told me where I could find exhibits and what I should look for. He seemed to be having fun.
The first man I saw when entering the museum, in fact, told me that the hunt was quite popular with families. The museum had almost run out of booklets.
But even without the booklets, the museum offers much. On my way to the Medieval Gallery, I found other exhibits I had never before seen or even heard about.
Go to the Art Museum this weekend. Take a booklet. Reconnect with Monet or even Warhol. Regain your lost art history knowledge. Rediscover “the best damn place of all.”
by Dora Huang
photo by Erin Byrne
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