The man in question was Ernie Cruikshank ’66, a stately gentleman in blue overalls who worked the room with a smile. Cruikshank was one of many Princeton alumni who gathered at the Chancellor Green Rotunda for the second annual Singles Mingle — an “opportunity for singles from all of the Reunion classes who share one great common denominator — a love of Princeton — to mingle,” according to the Reunions brochure.
Many of the singles who attended the event seemed to attribute their lack of success in the dating scene to too much stress or demanding careers.
“I think people come back to Reunions and a lot of them are single, and they can mingle with the different people and different classes everywhere,” said organizer Jill Baron ’80.
Indeed the event seemed ideal for alumnae such as Cruikshank, who didn’t find the Reunions tents conducive to meeting people because of the loud music from the bands. The Rotunda, with its dim lights, free-flowing red wine, and quiet corners, seemed a little more helpful.
“This is a really nice place to mingle,” he said. And a nearby young woman agreed, describing the event as “really laid back” and an easy place to talk to people.
Yet, some were a little more skeptical. “This is more of a sketchball event than a mingling event,” said Ian Auzenne ’10 as he surveyed the room.
This was, of course, before he kissed my hand.
by Tara Thean
nice to read esp the last part.
to the person who wrote this: are you single? if yes, buzz me back.
i've totally hacked your email account
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