Sunday, April 27, 2008

Adversarial relationships

You may think that your preceptor, writing seminar instructor or professor hates you. She may shoot you down frequently in class, or she may have written "LOL" next to your midterm paper's conclusion and given you a D+. But at least she isn't suing you.

Come children, read the story of Priya Venkatesan, a former lecturer in writing at Dartmouth who studies biology using literary theory. (For serious.) She decided to send a courtesy e-mail to former students letting them know she was launching a class action suit against Dartmouth for discrimination and harassment she had suffered at the hands students in a class she taught. The best part? Her "Hello class, I am suing you" e-mail's jaunty valediction ("Have a nice day".)

Source: The Dartmouth Review's Dartlog


Anonymous said...

I'm fairly certain that a class action lawsuit is not applicable to a class of defendants, only of plaintiffs.
But seriously, WTF??? On what grounds can she sue her students?