In it, Raushenbush declares victory for Barack Obama and America following the president's commencement address at Notre Dame this afternoon. Refering to a "spirit of reconciliation and respect exhibited by the President and the graduating class," he hailed Obama for creating a "middle way for this most divisive of issues" and deemed the trip to South Bend a success.
Turns out Dean Paul is somewhat of a regular contributor to HuffPo, posting 15 blog entries over the last six months. He's covered a lot of ground: everything from Sarah Palin to Proposition 8 to the "Pastor Problem" of the 2008 election to the "Liberal" faith of George W. Bush. We also get a look at his 10 worst religious stories of last year, plus an entry titled "God Damn Wall Street!" from January and one praising "Big (and Smart) Government" a couple weeks later. Before today, his the most-recent post came was "The Torture Memos: Dick Cheney vs. Jesus Christ." Take a look.
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