"I am not a champion of lost causes, but of causes not yet won."
Why is Thomas noteworthy? Because he was a six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. And that's probably why Wikipedia calls him the "the leading American Socialist politician of the 20th century."
Tzvee's Talmudic Blog floats the idea that Sotomayor's inspiration for the quote may have come from a plaque in Forbes, but also asks a few questions. Let's clear up a few things:
The library at the then-Princeton Inn (and now Forbes College) was dedicated to Thomas in a ceremony on May 11, 1975. We're still checking to see if Sotomayor live in the Inn in 1975 or 1976...or may have just been a Thomas fan.
Besides the Forbes library, the "champion of lost causes" quote can also be found on a wall in the Frist Student Center.
Great to see that diversity of opinion and free speech are alive and well at Princton, oh I'm sorry I suppose that would be true if my comment from yesterday had actually been posted.
Editors Note: This comment was accidentally deleted when the post was moved. It has been re-posted verbatim. Why is the chance zero? Does it not illicit at least some curiosity? At some point intellectual honesty will compel us to lift the veil. Does the name Carol Browner mean anything to you? Oh right, she was one of the 14 leaders of Commission for a Sustainable World Society " which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.", now she's Obama's Climate Czar. Add to that Jeremiah Wright, Black Liberation Theology, Frank Marshall Davis, Communist, Bill Ayers, terrorist. Birds of a feather, flock together.
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