Special surprise visitor on campus today, folks. Lynne Cheney, current wife of former vice president Dick Cheney, just finished up lunch at Tower Club.
No word on what Cheney had to eat, but she shared a table with two students in the middle of the room-- as seven Secret Service agents looked on from the next table over.
After finishing up, Cheney and her entourage walked out the front door and down the sidewalk, then crossed Washington Road and walked North toward Nassau Street. They may have been headed for Firestone...rumor has the former second lady is in town researching a forthcoming book on former president James Madison, Princeton Class of 1771.
Odd choice of language, referring to Lynne Cheney as Dick Cheney's "current wife." Are you predicting marital strife for the Cheneys?
There were sketchy Secret Service guys hanging out in the Firestone lobby and a black car with heavily tinted windows parked outside earlier in the day. I didn't see her though.
Saw her and the Secret Service detail in Firestone!
WHY WAS SHE THERE? answer the important quesiton, Prox.
"Finishing up lunch" ha...just because it is a blog doesn't mean it can be unprofessional
She and the secret service guys got on the train to the city at 5:16.
You missed the part where Tower members made someone chug in front of her.
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