Fear not! Recent rumors of IvyGate's demise have proven false.
The blog, which had been quiet since Nov. 18, returned from its 19-day dormant spell on Dec. 7 with a story about pranksters recreating the plot of Outbreak on Yale’s campus.
In a direct response to our previous “IvyGate died” post, IvyGate reassured all its readers of its longevity and also used the opportunity to take a dig at The Prox.
IvyGate’s most recent post describes Inside Higher Ed writer Scott McLemee's disapproval of the latest book penned by Cornel West GS '80, “Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud.” McLemee says of West, “Self-knowledge has been taken hostage, and amour propre curdled into self-infatuation.”
"Recent rumors?" The only source that reported anything about the "demise" of IvyGate was the Prox (clearly without checking with the editor of IvyGate) in a post that was full of other errors.
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