The polls may be closed, but judge these for yourself. You can check out the last page for yourself on the left.
Some other favorites:
1. “Not sure what to use these people for, but…”
2. “CJL - TOWER"
3. “Black vote? — black forbes friends — …what about the black sorority?”
4. Kappa - "girl from my precept"
5. “Weirdo groups yaro/Trevor will get” - "chess club, math club, ping pong club, Juggling Club, Tae Kwon Doe, Ballroom dancing"
6. “softer toiler paper”
7. "the usg's first and only objective is to get things done for students. We can't run it like a business or take ourselves too seriously"
Editor's Note: An earlier version of this post included four scanned pages listing student organizations and certain members. Those pages have been removed.
pretty clear whose that is...
Jeez Jack, learn how to spell.
have the proper authorities (ivygate) been notified?
would anyone actually seriously make a document like this and leave it in a printer after the election ended? looks like a smear campaign to me....
highly unlikely- I can't think of anyone (certainly not the other two candidates) who would take the time and effort to compile such a comprehensive list, esp. considering that they ARE mostly his friends- also, the details give it away (black forbes friends? girl from my precept?) to produce something of this quality would have required an UNTHINKABLE amount of research.
hilarious. for once a usg candidate with a sense of humor
he forgot the ultimate weirdo group: integrated science.
Reading that document hurt...I've never read something so painfully, and earnestly, toolish. Not only did he stereotype and classify just about every friend he has, but he misspelled many names.
This really shouldn't have been posted. I know that the Prince can post anything they want, and that it's probably his fault for leaving it lying around, but come on....this is an embarrassment for everyone.
or just an embarrassment for him
I want to see the original!
looks like a smear campaign and Prince writers trying to do everything they can to help their buddy Yaro. Even though voting for him doesn't actually benefit them.
Somebody may have had the original and then edited to include the bad parts.
Yaro's list is probably just a list of promises he's already made to administrators.
HAS Ivygate been notified? This should be added to the long list of Princeton USG president/candidate fuck ups.
i mean this is kinda funny i guess but it's not even close to being ivygate worthy, the stuff on there is ridiculous
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