The latest news is in. The ordeal is over.
The events of the last three days have shaken my conceptions of Princeton University to the very core while at the same time pumping adrenalin through my veins.
First I felt sadness, panic and outrage at the thought that Princeton students might resort to such brutal methods of silencing dissenting opinions.
Then, confusion: The story didn’t quite add up; questions swirled through my mind as we tried to piece together the clues. Why Nava? Why now? What were the details?
Paranoia: What if it was a random attack? Would it be safe to walk to the Wa after sunset? Could it be a hoax, as some people were arguing on the comments section?
Guilt: How could I think it was a hoax? People don’t just give themselves concussions (I’m still unclear as to the extent of Nava’s injuries), and in any case, one ought to believe the victim unless evidence is found to the contrary (isn’t that what those speakout signs in the girls’ bathrooms say?).
Anger: How dare the conservative element (or at least, some vocal conservatives) attack the liberals on campus in such a way? The acts of two rogue thugs do not represent a complete political spectrum.
And then, perhaps most draining of all, there was a certain sense of abandonment. Something drastic had just happened. From the beginning it was clear that no matter how Nava’s story developed, it would be bad. Yet, for two days students were forced to dig up our own (contradicting) clues while we were supposed to be writing papers and studying for exams. Not a word from the University. Not a word from Public Safety.
Now, the latest news is in: it was a hoax after all. To a certain degree, relief has set in. There are no violent ideological Mafiosos, no men in ski masks (or was it funny hats?) walking around dragging students into dark places to beat them senseless. Instead, it was all the work of a single individual, the alleged victim himself…
But, I still feel uneasy. Nothing Nava has said to date has been reliable, is this latest statement really any more reliable? And did he do this by himself? Why? Are these the actions of a poor soul who has in the past suffered from mental illness, or is something more sinister afoot?
Whatever the truths of this case, I hope with all my heart that it is the former and that Nava will be able to recover fully and come to terms with what it seems he has done. I hope that the investigation will be continued in an effort to remove all doubt from the minds of students, but also to ensure that justice is truly done.
I hope that people will reserve final judgment until all the facts are finally assembled, and once that is done, that we may come together as a campus to discuss the deep issues which divide us and then bridge them. We have in the past failed to really rise to the task of fostering debate and creating a truly inclusive community. Past shows of solidarity have been lacking. Let these three days serve some purpose, let it be the thing that finally unites us and causes real radical change.