Friday, September 12, 2008

I came to Princeton for a week, and all I got to eat were burgers.

The title is not quite related to the post, because I tried to write a post about how all the dining halls during the first week of school, because they're closed/holding a BBQ somewhere, but it didn't get very far.

But here is one thing I am really excited for, the new Wilson tent. I mean, sure, our white tent is no Whitman Dining Hall (but pretty buildings in Wilson are rare anyway...), but all the food is being shipped from Whitman. (And really it's what is inside that counts.) And I've heard tons of rumors about it: that we'll be having lobster and steak nights (Is it pity or Whitman's leftovers?), sliding glass doors, and air conditioning.

It's only supposed to be up for a month, though I guess that's more wishful thinking than rumor.


Anonymous said...

Try a salad for a change!