Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Princeton Borough District 1 goes for Obama

Exit polls by The Daily Princetonian throughout the day show students voting in Princeton Borough District 1 overwhelmingly supporting Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

Out of 280 student voters polled at the Trinity Church polling station, 86.4 percent of Princeton student voters reported voting for Obama, while 11.8 percent reported voting for McCain.

Of the voters polled, 52.9 percent of voters identified as Democrats, 32.5 percent identified as Independent, and 11.3 percent identified as Republicans.

Among registered Republicans, five voted for Obama, and among registered Democrats, only one voted for McCain.

In New Jersey races, 74.1 percent reported supporting Democratic candidate Frank Lautenberg for Senate and 84.8 percent reported supporting Democratic candidate Rush Holt for Congress.

The exit poll also asked voters to identify the issue that they weighed most heavily in casting their vote for a presidential candidate. Thirty-one percent of voters indicated that they prioritized issues relating to the economy, 17.1 percent selected foreign policy, and 11.1 percent considered “Presidential candidate’s character” most important.

-Reilly Kiernan '10, Princetonian Senior Writer