Monday, October 25, 2010

Quidditch Gets Competitive

Women's bowling was the most recent sport to gain National Collegiate Athletic Association status. Could Quidditch be next? The NCAA says that typically 40 to 50 schools must sponsor a varsity sport before they will consider sponsoring it. Quidditch is getting there. Over 60 colleges and high schools are registered to compete Nov. 13 and 14 at a Manhattan park.

Quidditch was founded at Middlebury College in 2005. People run around with broomsticks between their legs and shoot balls through hula hoops. At Middlebury, the Snitch is usually a cross country runner dressed in gold.

It's midterms and I'm in an uncharacteristically tolerant mood, so my vote is yes for granting Quidditch NCAA status. Or perhaps I just want to see how Quidditch would influence recruiting here at Princeton. "But Dean Rapelye, I know his SATs aren't quite up to snuff, but just look at his quaffle blocking record." Seems as fair a basis for judgment as any.

-The Blogstress


Old Hickory said...

An embarrassment to Princeton, if not the entire American educational system.

Anonymous said...

a simple search of your own stupid paper would yield this