Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Procrastination

Finally those nights that pile up right before winter break filled with problem sets, essays, and exam studying galore (‘tis the season) have come to an end. So what’s left for those Princetonians (cough, Type A personalities, cough) who have a problem with just sitting around to do?

1. Sit around and do nothing BUT while catching up on all the T.V. that you’ve missed or tuning in to the Christmas movie marathon (ABC family… don’t pretend like you’re too old)
2. Scour Princeton FML/Princeton good crush to your heart’s desire without feeling guilty about it
3. (once you’re on, there’s no going back)
4. Elf yourself and your roommates
5. Create your own Jackson Pollock

And finally for those of you who are already stressing over upcoming exams… just don’t. In case you really just can’t help but be productive:

1. Do the readings you skipped over during the semester
2. Create a list of the key concepts the class went over
3. Start looking over old tests and problem sets
4. Gather books and articles for your research paper and start writing it
5. Look over lecture notes

Happy holidays! (And if you want a truly happy holiday I’d recommend that you just skip the 2nd list).