Monday, April 14, 2008

The internet is for porn!

I swear I'll stop posting about the incongruous images that go with BBC articles... after this one!

The rest of the article is about how vulnerable your log-in data is. To the photo-matcher's credit, porn is mentioned once in the article: "It overturns the whole notion that if you stay away from gambling and porn sites you are okay," he said.

I especially love the caption: visiting some parts of the web can be risky business indeed! Seriously though, I can just imagine how they came up with this picture:
"Hurry, I need a photo of hackers stealing your log-in data."

"And what does that look like, exactly? A guy sitting at a computer?"

"Point. Then... just get me a picture of the dangers of the internet!"

"Okay, I can do that. You type 'porn' into Google, and I'll snap a picture."

"Isn't that a little nsfw?"

"Before you hit search, then. Ready?"

"Any way you can you shop out my face?"